Sökt på: Böcker av Tim Darvell
totalt 9 träffar
The Record
The Record is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Jennifer Darvell, who died of bowel cancer on 29 August 2016. Each person taking part has told me about the first record that …
The Lives & Times: Fundraising Book for Beating Bowel Cancer
Lives & Times
The Record
The Record is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Jennifer Darvell, who died of bowel cancer on 29 August 2016. Each person taking part has told me about the first record that …
Beating Bowel Cancer: A collection of photographs and the stories behind them with all proceeds donated to the charity
Beating Bowel Cancer
Superando el Cáncer de Colon
En abril del 2012 la temida palabra cáncer llegó a nuestra familia. Estuve sentado un minuto con mi madre esperando una alta normal del hospital, y luego en un parpadeo nuestro …
Kampf dem Darmkrebs
Seit April 2012 ist das so gefürchtete Wort „Krebs“ Teil unserer Familie. Gerade saß ich noch neben meiner Mutter und erwartete eine normale Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus. Und …
Combatendo o Câncer Colorretal
Em setembro de 2012, minha mãe passou por uma importante cirurgia para remover um tumor cancerígeno em seu intestino. Antes da cirurgia, estávamos cientes da possibilidade de que …