Sökt på: Böcker av Thomas Claviez
totalt 9 träffar

Throwing the Moral Dice
More than a purely philosophical problem, straddling the ambivalent terrain between necessity and impossibility, contingency has become the very horizon of everyday life. Often …

Common Growl
No longer able to read community in terms colored by a romantic nostalgia for homogeneity, closeness and sameness, or the myth of rational choice, we nevertheless face an …

The Conditions of Hospitality
Hospitality is a multifaceted concept that has been received by, and worked into, various academic realms and disciplines, such as philosophy, politics, anthropology, aesthetics, …

Throwing the Moral Dice
More than a purely philosophical problem, straddling the ambivalent terrain between necessity and impossibility, contingency has become the very horizon of everyday life. Often …

Critique of Authenticity

Throwing the Moral Dice
More than a purely philosophical problem, straddling the ambivalent terrain between necessity and impossibility, contingency has become the very horizon of everyday life. Often …

Zur Aktualität von Jacques Rancière
Das Buch bietet einenhervorragenden Einstieg in die Arbeiten von Jacques Rancière. ZentraleTheorieannahmen werden dargestellt und deren Bedeutung für die Kultur- und …

The Common Growl
No longer able to read community in terms colored by a romantic nostalgia for homogeneity, closeness and sameness, or the myth of rational choice, we nevertheless face an …

Zur Aktualität von Jacques Rancière
Das Buch bietet einen hervorragenden Einstieg in die Arbeiten von Jacques Rancière. Zentrale Theorieannahmen werden dargestellt und deren Bedeutung für die Kultur- und …