Sökt på: Böcker av Tapio Salmi
totalt 18 träffar
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology, Second Edition
The role of the chemical reactor is crucial for the industrial conversion of raw materials into products and numerous factors must be considered when selecting an appropriate and …
Catalytic Kinetics
Catalytic Kinetics: Chemistry and Engineering, Second Edition offers a unified view that homogeneous, heterogeneous, and enzymatic catalysis form the cornerstone of practical …
Chemical Reaction Engineering
This book illustrates how models of chemical reactors are built up in a systematic manner, step by step. The authors also outline how the numerical solution algorithms for reactor …
Catalytic Reactors
Catalytic Reactors presents several key aspects of reactor design in Chemical and Process Engineering. Starting with the fundamental science across a broad interdisciplinary field, …
Höyrymainari Shimo
Mikä on kameleonttikirja? Kuinka käy, kun Shimo joutuu vastakkain sanakirjademonin kanssa? Mitä löytyy avaruuden salaperäisestä metallikuutiosta? Kuka voittaa Hurtanheimon …
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Follow step-by-step explanations to understand mathematical models - algebraic and differential equations - of chemical reactors and how numerical models workin computer …
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology, Second Edition
The role of the chemical reactor is crucial for the industrial conversion of raw materials into products and numerous factors must be considered when selecting an appropriate and …
Catalytic Kinetics
Chemistry and chemical technology have been at the heart of the revolutionary developments of the 20th century. The chemical industry has a long history of combining theory …
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Follow step-by-step explanations to understand mathematical models - algebraic and differential equations - of chemical reactors and how numerical models workin computer …
Catalytic Kinetics
Chemistry and chemical technology have been at the heart of the revolutionary developments of the 20th century. The chemical industry has a long history of combining theory …
Kehitysbiologia tutkii sikiönkehitystä, solujen erilaistumista ja niitä mekanismeja, jotka johtavat elävän yksilön syntyyn. Alan perusteiden ymmärtäminen on nykyisin välttämätöntä …
Vantaan ja Helsingin pitäjän keskiaika
Vantaan ja Helsingin pitäjän keskiaika on laaja yleisesitys Uudenmaan rannikon keskiajan historiasta ennen Helsingin kaupungin perustamista 1550. Vantaan alue oli tuolloin osa …