Sökt på: Böcker av Stephen Smith
totalt 625 träffar

Pojken i källaren : En sann historia om grymhet och tortyr
Stephen Smith är pojken som aldrig fanns. I tretton år gömde Stephens föräldrar honom i källaren. Han föddes utanför äktenskapet i början av 1960-talet och föräldrarna valde att …

Apollodorus' Library and Hyginus' Fabulae
By offering, for the first time in a single edition, complete English translations of Apollodorus' Library and Hyginus' Fabulae--the two most important surviving "handbooks" of …

Programming with 64-Bit ARM Assembly Language
Mastering ARM hardware architecture opens a world of programming for nearly all phones and tablets including the iPhone/iPad and most Android phones. It’s also the heart of many …

The Norton Anthology of English Literature
A sweeping revision that speaks to how English literature is taught today. From the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Shorter …

Straight Shooter
America’s most popular sports media figure tells it like it is in this surprisingly personal book, not only dishing out his signature, uninhibited opinions but also revealing the …

The Vegetarian
An irresistibly weird and sensuous story of betrayals, transformations and social taboos. Yeong-hye and her husband are ordinary people. He is an office worker with moderate …

Race and Reconciliation in America
Race and racism have played a divisive and defining role throughout much of America's history. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and Ku Klux Klan terrorism have inflicted deep …

Musical Landscapes in Color
Now available in paperback, William C. Banfield’s acclaimed collection of interviews delves into the lives and work of forty-one Black composers. Each of the profiled artists …

Dementia and Place
Giving voice to the lived experiences of people with dementia across the globe, including Australia, Canada, Sweden and the UK, this critical and evidence-based collection engages …

The Wilderness Debate Rages on
Ten years ago, The Great New Wilderness Debate began a cross-disciplinary conversation about the varied constructions of "wilderness" and the controversies that surround them. The …

The Norton Anthology of English Literature
A sweeping revision that speaks to how English literature is taught today. From the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Eleventh …