Sökt på: Böcker av Sandra Kahn
totalt 15 träffar
There's a silent epidemic in western civilization, and it is right under our noses. Our jaws are getting smaller and our teeth crooked and crowded, creating not only aesthetic …
The Actor's Dilemma
der selfpublisher 24, 4-2021, Heft 24, Dezember 2021
"der selfpublisher" – Deutschlands 1. Selfpublishing-MagazinSelfpublisher sind immer auf der Suche. Nach neuen Lesern. Nach Infos, wie sie ihre Bücher noch attraktiver machen. Und …
der selfpublisher 23, 3-2021, Heft 23, Juni 2021
"der selfpublisher" – Deutschlands 1. Selfpublishing-MagazinSelfpublisher sind immer auf der Suche. Nach neuen Lesern. Nach Infos, wie sie ihre Bücher noch attraktiver machen. Und …
Performance Networks
Where problems cross government boundaries, solutions must be found that do the same. In every domain of democracy, from healthcare to national security, government structures …
Peacemaking is the activity which transforms the energy of conflict into the energy of cooperative achievement. A peacemaker is a third party consultant who helps people in …
der selfpublisher 31, 3-2023, Heft 31, September 2023
"der selfpublisher" – Deutschlands 1. Selfpublishing-MagazinSelfpublisher sind immer auf der Suche. Nach neuen Lesern. Nach Infos, wie sie ihre Bücher noch attraktiver machen. Und …
EU Banking and Financial Regulation
EU Banking and Financial Regulation presents a comprehensive and systematic overview of the major directives and regulations which currently govern the EU's banking and finance …
der selfpublisher 26, 2-2022, Heft 26, Juni 2022
"der selfpublisher" – Deutschlands 1. Selfpublishing-MagazinSelfpublisher sind immer auf der Suche. Nach neuen Lesern. Nach Infos, wie sie ihre Bücher noch attraktiver machen. Und …
Leaving Him Behind: Cutting the Cord and Breaking Free After the Marriage Ends
Based on over 200 interviews and 13 years of counseling experience, psychologist Sandra Kahn has written the first guide to offer help to women whose unresolved issues keep them …
Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age
With the completion of the sequencing of the human genome in 2001, the debate over the existence of a biological basis for race has been revived. In Revisiting Race in a Genomic …