Sökt på: Böcker av S. I. Martin
totalt 41 träffar

Augustine and Politics
The study of Augustine's political teachings has suffered from a history of misreadings, both ancient and modern. It is only in recent years that the traditional lines of …

Killer Commodities
Killer Commodities enters the increasingly heated debate regarding consumer culture with a critical examination of the relationship between corporate production of goods for profit …

Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Sorghum Volume 2
Sorghum is one of the world’s major cereals, cultivated in the semi-arid tropics for a growing range of uses. Like other crops it faces the need to meet rising demand whilst …

University Management, the Academic Profession, and Neoliberalism
A unique examination of how faculty and university administrators understand their work and professional identities under neoliberalism.This book examines tensions and challenges …

Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Oil Palm Volume 2
Oil palm is widely cultivated in tropical countries for use in food processing, personal care products and other applications such as biodiesel. Cultivation faces a range of …

Pragmatic Literacy, East and West, 1200-1330
Studies of the uses of literacy for the exercise of political and economic power, in Latin Christendom and the wider world. This pioneering collection of studies is concerned with …

Edible Alliums
Allium crops include more than 30 species, many of which (for e.g. onions, shallots, garlic, leeks, bunching onions, and chives) are of economic importance. Bulb onions rank second …

Deus Ex Machina
Os calendários são simplesmente ignorados por aqueles que combatem pelo bem ou pelo mal, numa guerra sem vencedores. As grandes batalhas distribuem louros entre os dois lados, em …

University Management, the Academic Profession, and Neoliberalism
This book examines tensions and challenges in the professional lives and identities of contemporary academics. Drawing on extensive interviews conducted over seven years with …

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Hematologic Malignancies
There is no field of medicine in which advances in therapy have been so closely linked to a better understanding of molecular medicine than in the area of hematologic malignancies. …