Sökt på: Böcker av Robert Leahy
totalt 82 träffar
The Jealousy Cure
Could jealousy be a positive thing? In this groundbreaking book, Robert L. Leahy-author of the hugely popular self-help guide, The Worry Cure-invites you to gain a greater …
The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies
Although the therapeutic relationship is a major contributor to therapeutic outcomes, the cognitive behavioral psychotherapies have not explored this aspect in any detail. This …
Ne ver vsemu, chto chuvstvuesh. Kak trevoga i depressija zastavljajut nas poverit tomu, chego net
Dumaete, chto vse bessmyslenno? Trevozhites, ne doverjaete miru, bespokoites, chto vperedi zhdut odni neudachi? Ne verte vsemu, chto chuvstvuete. Skoree vsego, vy popali v lovushku …
Svoboda ot trevogi. Spravsja s trevogoj, poka ona ne raspravilas s toboj
Iz etoj knigi vy uznaete, kak obmanut svoj strakh i nauchitsja spravljatsja so stressom. Zdes vy najdete prostoe poshagovoe rukovodstvo, chtoby preodolet ljubye vidy bespokojstva. …
Tekhniki kognitivnoj psikhoterapii
Kniga Roberta Likhi nezamenima dlja spetsialistov i studentov, kotorye rabotajut v metodike kognitivno-povedencheskaja psikhoterapija. Avtor opisyvaet sposoby pomoch klientam …
Treatment Resistant Anxiety Disorders
Treatment Resistant Anxiety Disorders: Resolving Impasses to Symptom Remission brings together leading cognitive behavioral therapists from major theoretical orientations to …
Emotional Schema Therapy
This book presents innovative tools for helping patients to understand their emotional schemas--such as the conviction that painful feelings are unbearable, shameful, or will last …
Worry Cure
A groundbreaking look at what causes us to worry and how we overcome our anxiety.
Beat The Blues Before They Beat You
Do you feel plagued by negative thoughts about yourself, overwhelmed by loneliness, paralysed by a fear of failure? If so, you're not alone. The good news is that with effective …
Don't Believe Everything You Feel
Find lasting freedom from difficult emotions with skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) andemotional schema therapy. If you struggle with difficult emotions, you …
The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You
A psychotherapist furnishes an empowering and effective new approach to understanding and overcoming worry, introducing a seven-step program designed to address the underlying …
Roof over Love & Lust
Danny Roarkes thirty-six year adventure through love and lust is reminiscent of Homers Odyssey and Joyces Ulysses. The novel begins when Danny is a college senior during the final …