Sökt på: Böcker av Rob Armstrong
totalt 7 träffar

Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations
Darkness exists everywhere, and in no place greater than those where spirits and curses still reside. Tread not lightly on ancient lands that have been discovered by this …

Under omprövning : en antologi om konst, kanon och kvalitet
Under omprövning rymmer ett stort antal bidrag som förenas av att de utifrån ett kritiskt perspektiv diskuterar vår tids mest karakteristiska estetiska hållningar och konstnärliga …

Daddy 3.0: A Comedy of Errors

Tracking the Rise of the Radical Right Globally
2018 was a tumultuous year in global politics. Starting with the rise of the Lega Nord in Italy and ending with the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, it has never been such a …

Covering Government
Covering Government: A Civics Handbook for Journalists is the only single source of quick and concise information on the workings of American government at all levels. Spurred by …

Street Fighter VS Darkstalkers Vol.2
The frighteningly furious fighting game crossover comes to its chaotic conclusion, as the demonic Jedah’s master plan threatens not only the World Warriors and the Night Warriors, …

BTEC First in Sport Student Book
This work covers all the mandatory units and a wide selection of optional units. Each unit is presented in topics to ensure the content is accessible and engaging for learners. …