Sökt på: Böcker av Pinchuk
totalt 30 träffar

Contested Memories
Few issues have divided Poles and Jews more deeply than the Nazi occupation of Poland during the Second World War and the subsequent slaughter of almost ninety percent of Polish …

Magnitoplasticheskiy Effekt V Kristallakh Vismuta I Sur'my

Geometry of Holomorphic Mappings
This monograph explores the problem of boundary regularity and analytic continuation of holomorphic mappings between domains in complex Euclidean spaces. Many important methods and …

Electrets In Engineering
Recently a new sphere in materials science· has formed which subject is structure and properties of electret materials used in engineering, medicine, biotechnology and other …

Teoriq proektirowaniq agregatno-modul'nyh gidroblokow uprawleniq mashin

Kinetika Uprochneniya I Razrusheniya Poverkhnosti Metallov Pri Trenii

Tribology and Biophysics of Artificial Joints
Joint endoprosthetics - the science of implanting artificial joints into the human body - has been around since the 1960's, and consistent advancements are leading to better …

Pedagogicheskie kuplety

Explorar y aprender con los cinco sentidos
Las autoras plantean un abordaje integral de los sentidos, relacionando a cada uno con el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano y el cuidado de la salud. Para ello plantean diferentes …

Geometry of Holomorphic Mappings
This monograph explores the problem of boundary regularity and analytic continuation of holomorphic mappings between domains in complex Euclidean spaces. Many important methods and …

Schaum's Outline of Immunology
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in …

Electrets In Engineering
Recently a new sphere in materials science· has formed which subject is structure and properties of electret materials used in engineering, medicine, biotechnology and other …