Sökt på: Böcker av Nidhi Kalra
totalt 11 träffar
Measuring Automated Vehicle Safety
This report presents a framework for measuring safety in automated vehicles (AVs) that could be used broadly by companies, policymakers, and the public. In it, the authors …
Rethinking Insurance and Liability in the Transformative Age of Autonomous Vehicles
The RAND Institute for Civil Justice held a workshop titled "Rethinking Insurance and Liability in the Transformative Age of Autonomous Vehicles," which examined the implications …
Air Force Capability Development Planning
For the purposes of capability development planning, RAND Project AIR FORCE focuses on analytical methods that can be used for decisionmaking under conditions of deep uncertainty …
Autonomous Vehicle Technology
The automotive industry appears close to substantial change engendered by self-driving technologies. This technology offers the possibility of significant benefits to social …
Recommended Research Priorities for the Qatar Foundation's Environment and Energy Research Institute
The Qatar Foundation is establishing a national research institute to conduct and collaborate on applied research in energy, environment, and water issues, the Qatar Environment …
A Big Apple for Educators
Evaluation of the Jinan City Water Ecological Development Implementation Plan and Recommendations for Improvement
RAND evaluated potential effects of uncertain projections of demand and climate change on the ability of the Jinan Municipal Water Resources Bureau to meet its long-term water …
Exploring Digital Humanities in India
This book explores the emergence of digital humanities in the Indian context. It looks at how online and digital resources have transformed classroom and research practices. It …
Exploring Digital Humanities in India
This book explores the emergence of digital humanities in the Indian context. It looks at how online and digital resources have transformed classroom and research practices. It …
Water Management, Partnerships, Rights, and Market Trends
This report assesses water management, partnerships, rights, and market trends and opportunities, and how Army installations can potentially use them to improve programs and …
The Enemy of Good
How safe should highly automated vehicles (HAVs) be before they are allowed on the roads for consumer use? In this report, RAND researchers use the RAND Model of Automated Vehicle …