Sökt på: Böcker av Michael Walzer
totalt 58 träffar

Spheres Of Justice
Explains how diverse societies distribute such entities as education, citizenship, work, leisure time, honors, and love, as well as wealth and power, and argues that a just …

The Struggle for a Decent Politics
A testament to what it means to be liberal by one of the most prominent political philosophers of our era “Walzer is perhaps our foremost pilot on these rocky shoals. In his …

Dimensions of Radical Democracy
The themes of citizenship and community are today at the center of a fierce debate as both left and right try to mobilize them for their cause. For the left such notions are …

Om tolerans
Kan ett månkulturellt samhälle fungera? Och hur skapar man ett system som befrämjar dem tolerans mellan etniska, kulturella och religiösa grupper, som är nödvändig för att hålla …

Liberty and Power
What role should religion play in shaping and implementing U.S. foreign policy?The dominant attitude over the last half century on the subject of religion and international …

La soif du gain
Le 29 septembre 2008, à l’orée d’une crise financière et bancaire majeure, le philosophe américain Michael Walzer publiait dans la revue qu’il a fondée, Dissent, un article …

Korelitz - The Life and Destruction of a Jewish Community
The Korelichi (Korelitz, Karelichi) Memorial Book is the English translation of the Yizkor (Memorial) Book published in 1973 by survivors and former residents of this town, …

The Jewish Political Tradition
The third of four volumes in a distinguished series, this volume includes chapters on the nature of the communal bond, marriage and family, welfare, taxation, government, and …

Naciones, identidad y conflicto
Esta obra, junto con los títulos Nacionalismo: a favor y en contra, y Autodeterminación y secesión completa un estimulante enfoque sobre los nacionalismos. La pluralidad de este …

La revolucion de los santos
Walzer muestra en esta obra que, si bien la revolucion como fenomeno politico y la ideologia como tipo de disciplina mental y moral estan muy relacionadas con la aparicion del …

The Paradox of Liberation
A thought-provoking reflection on why secular national liberation movements are so often challenged by militant religious revivals Many of the successful campaigns for national …

Teaching Plato in Palestine
A global journey showing how philosophy can transform our biggest disagreementsTeaching Plato in Palestine is part intellectual travelogue, part plea for integrating philosophy …