Sökt på: Böcker av Michael L. Hansen
totalt 22 träffar
Medicinsk Kompendium 20. udgave
Dette er det ultimative medicinske standardværk i Danmark og har været det, siden 1. udgave så dagens lys i 1936. Den 20. udgaves to bind dækker alle aspekter af den interne …
European Product Liability
Thirty years after the entry into force of the Directive on liability for defective products (Council Directive 85/374/EEC), and in the light of the threat to user safety posed by …
Racist Logic
Community-Based Monitoring in the Arctic
Community Based Monitoring Programs in the Arctic explores the concept and use of community-based monitoring (CBM) of ecological conditions in the Arctic. The authors analyze …
Negotiating Group Identity in the Research Process
Negotiating Group Identity in the Research Process: Are You In or Are You Out? focuses on researcher identity and the role it plays in conducting research, whether as a member of …
Discussing Economics
Discussing Economics treats discussion - meaning formal consideration of questions about a reading - as a new approach to learning economics. Setting out a detailed approach …
Expectations About Civilian Labor Markets and Army Officer Retention
Art & Sedition: The League of Utah Writers 2022 Anthology
Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Veterans in the Metro Detroit Area
Over the past decade, the government has expanded funding and services to meet increasing demand for improved veteran access to high-quality mental health services. This report …
Reshaping the Army's Active and Reserve Components
To analyze policy options that would improve utilization of reserve forces, the authors assess how Army active and reserve forces are used. Converting billets from low-use to …
Strategies for Private-Sector Development and Civil-Service Reform in the Kurdistan Region Iraq
This monograph provides strategies to reemploy civil-service workers in the private sector and to increase private-sector employment in the Kurdistan Region Iraq. The research is …
The Origins of All Things
This book invites the reader to take a unique journey through the history of the Solar System, the Earth, its evolving biodiversity and ecosystems, and the current state of the …