Sökt på: Böcker av Michael Hummel
totalt 12 träffar
Spiritual Transformation and Healing
Joan D. Koss-Chioino and Philip Hefner's new volume is unique in exploring the meaning of spiritual transformation and healing with new research from a scientific perspective. An …
Modul 1: Strukturert klinisk intervju for den alternative (seksjon III) modellen for personlighetsforstyrrelser i DSM-5 â (SCID-5-AMPD) er laget spesifikt for den dimensjonelle …
Diabetes in der Schwangerschaft
Wie kann dem zunehmenden Problem von Diabetes in der Schwangerschaft praxisnah begegnet werden? Diese Darstellung aus diabetologischer, geburtsmedizinischer und neonatologischer …
Corporate Social Responsibility in Österreichs Tourismus
Plants in Mesozoic Time
Plants in Mesozoic Time showcases the latest research of broad botanical and paleontological interest from the world's experts on Mesozoic plant life. Each chapter covers a special …
eBook inside: Buch und eBook Restaurantfach
Law, Politics, and the Constitution
The fourth Yearbook of the Central and Eastern European Forum of Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists reassesses central concepts of modern constitutionalism between the …
Law, Politics, and the Constitution
Law, Politics, and the Constitution
The fourth Yearbook of the Central and Eastern European Forum of Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists reassesses central concepts of modern constitutionalism between the …
Facetten inklusiver Bildung
Diabetes in der Schwangerschaft
Wie kann dem zunehmenden Problem von Diabetes in der Schwangerschaft praxisnah begegnet werden? Diese Darstellung aus diabetologischer, geburtsmedizinischer und neonatologischer …