Sökt på: Böcker av Luigi Pirandello
totalt 282 träffar

Kameran går - kameramannen Serafino Gubbios dagboksanteckningar
Denna mångbottnade roman från 1915 utspelas i en levande och autentisk filmmiljö under filmkonstens barndom och skildrar med psykologisk insikt ett fortfarande lika aktuellt …

En, ingen och hundratusen
Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) tilldelades Nobelpriset i litteratur år 1934. Han var mest känd som dramatiker, men skrev i samtliga genrer. Vibeke Emond står för den första …

One, None and a Hundred Thousand
After all, the "Moscarda" he believed himself to be was different when he was alone, or with his wife, his tenant, or his friends. And there were hundreds--no, thousands--of …

Three Plays
SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR * HENRY IV * THE MOUNTAIN GIANTS Pirandello ranks with Strindberg, Brecht, and Beckett as a seminal figure in modern drama. Innovative and …

One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand
After all, the "Moscarda" he believed himself to be was different when he was alone, or with his wife, his tenant, or his friends. And there were hundreds--no, thousands--of …

Eleven Short Stories
Winner of the 1934 Nobel Prize for literature, Luigi Pirandello (1867 - 1936) is best known for such landmark plays as Six Characters in Search of an Author. One of the great …

The Man with a Flower in His Mouth
He wears a mask - he pretends to be an idling, strolling observer of others: an amused spectator. He watches people on the street, in shops, in cafes: wherever he finds them he …

Gaveæske med fire Nobelnoveller
Novellix – Stor litteratur i et lille formatDette er en æske med fire fortællinger om livets store spørgsmål – om frihed kontra ensomhed, om livsvalg, og døden som banker på, om …

Naked Masks: Five Plays
This special one-volume edition features five great plays by one of the most celebrated and fascinating dramatists of the twentieth century. Pirandello, awarded the Nobel Prize in …

Novelle Per Un Anno Vol V La Mosca: La Mosca, L'Eresia Catara, Le Sorprese Della Scienza, Le Medaglie, La Madonnina, La Berretta Di Padova, Lo Scaldin
Novelle per un anno una raccolta di raconti e novelle di Luigi Pirandello. Questo il quinto volume di tredici. Un novella al giorno, per tutt'un anno, senza che dai giorni, dai …