Sökt på: Böcker av Louis T. Mariano
totalt 12 träffar

U.S. Air Force Enlisted Classification and Reclassification

Air Force Manpower Determinants
The authors examine the process the Air Force uses to determine manpower requirements, compare it with processes used in other services and organizations, and evaluate options for …

Ending Social Promotion without Leaving Children Behind
The New York City Department of Education asked RAND to conduct an independent longitudinal evaluation of its 5th-grade promotion policy. The findings of that study, conducted …

Effects of the Executive Development Program and Aligned Coaching for School Principals in Three U.S. States
In this report, part of a series on professional development for school principals, the authors analyze the effects of a large-scale implementation of the National Institute for …

Improving Demographic Diversity in the U.S. Air Force Officer Corps
Despite the Air Force s efforts to create a force that mirrors the racial, ethnic, and gender differences of the nation s population, minority groups and women are underrepresented …

Combating Terrorism
Organizations varied in how they financed these efforts-some increased internal spending or reallocated resources-and in receipt of external funding.

Advancement and Retention Barriers in the U.S. Air Force Civilian White Collar Workforce
This report documents the results of a study examining challenges that Air Force civilian women, racial/ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities may face in advancing …

Training Success for U.S. Air Force Special Operations and Combat Support Specialties
The Air Force's special operations and combat support specialties in the enlisted force are among the highest in demand by the service yet have persistently high rates of attrition …

Improving the Representation of Women and Racial/Ethnic Minorities Among U.S. Coast Guard Active-Duty Members
Researchers sought to identify the root causes of underrepresentation for women and members of racial/ethnic minority groups in the U.S. Coast Guard; factors shaping representation …

Does Four Equal Five?
The authors provide information on the implementation and outcomes of the four-day school week using quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of sources. The authors add to …

Lessons from the Field
Central to Qatar's education reform was the development of internationally benchmarked curriculum standards and standards-based assessments in four subjects: Arabic, English as a …

Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees
Pilot survey of military retirees provides useful information on retirees' health care status, civilian health insurance enrollment, and reliance on TRICARE, the Department of …