Sökt på: Böcker av Lawrence Alexander
totalt 85 träffar
Samhälle i kris : vår förmåga till anpassning och omorientering
Att lära sig hantera en kris är centralt i människans tillvaro. Krig, revolutioner och pandemier är återkommande företeelser i mänsklighetens historia. I denna antologi undersöker …
Krig : hur konflikter format våra samhällen
Det påstås att ungefär 14 500 krig har utkämpats sedan år 3 500 f.Kr. Mänskligheten har bara erfarit 300 år av fred på jorden. Under 1900-talet dödades fler människor i krig än …
Porträtt : Människor som formade sin samtid men som historien glömde
Porträttserien från Engelsberg Ideas höjer upp och ger plats åt de sidofigurer som har satt historiens hjul i rullning. Här finns bland andra Churchills halvt bortglämda högra …
Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch
Walk in the footsteps of the patriarchs. Why do mountains play such important roles in the Bible? Why do altars and wells matter? How do the patriarchs' lives foreshadow Israel's …
Chinese on the American Frontier
Chinese immigrants played a dynamic role in frontier America, yet scholars of Asian America have focused for the most part only on the Pacific Coast, especially California. This …
Social Work in Wales
With a foreword by First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, this book is the first to offer an in-depth look into what makes the Welsh Social Work context unique. It includes the …
Professional Orchestration Vol 1: Solo Instruments & Instrumentation Notes
Recommended by winners of the Academy, Grammy, and Emmy Awards, Professional Orchestration is the first multi-volume series in orchestration from an American Publisher that teaches …
Writing and Performing Christian Music: God's Plan & Purpose for the Church
Writing and Performing Christian Music: God's Plan & Purpose for the Church, is for songwriters, worship leaders, musicians, composers, church leadership, radio station …
Surviving Becky(s)
The infamous rise in characterizations of white women as Becky(s) is a modern phenomenon, different from past characterizations like the Miss Anne types. But just who embodies the …
Total Life Transformation
Total Life Transformation is not just a book-it's a beacon of hope.In our lives, there are moments that break us, challenge our spirit, and force us to question our very existence. …