Sökt på: Böcker av Kenneth Holmberg
totalt 9 träffar

Palliativ medicin
Dette er den første danske lærebog i palliativ medicin. Området er bredt og inkluderer både patientens og de pårørendes livskvalitet, gennem fysiske, psykiske, sociale og …

Coatings Tribology
The surface coating field is a rapidly developing area of science and technology that offers new methods and techniques to control friction and wear. New coating types are …

An Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristics of a Two-gyro Computing System for Aerodynamics-lead Pursuit Courses
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the …

E-maintenance is the synthesis of two major trends in today's society: the growing importance of maintenance as a key technology and the rapid development of information and …

Coatings Tribology
The surface coating field is a rapidly developing area of science and technology that offers new methods and techniques to control friction and wear. New coating types are …

E-maintenance is the synthesis of two major trends in today’s society: the growing importance of maintenance as a key technology and the rapid development of information and …

Det nya läroriket : från formell vuxenutbildning till lärande regioner
Det nya läroriket innebär både utmaningar och risker. Denna bok speglar den pågående förändringen från formell vuxenutbildning till lärande regioner. Den beskriver också …

Med teknologin in i 2000-talet

E-maintenance is the synthesis of two major trends in today’s society: the growing importance of maintenance as a key technology and the rapid development of information and …