Sökt på: Böcker av Kate Pankhurst
totalt 76 träffar
Fantastiskt fenomenala kvinnor som skapade historia
"Text och bild samverkar påhittigt på genomarbetade uppslag med snitsiga teckningar och korta texter, som löper i olika riktningar. Tonen är lättsamt humoristisk utan att tappa …
Fantastiskt fenomenala kvinnor som förändrade världen
Årets bästsäljande faktabok för barn i Storbritannien 2017! - Nominerad till CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards “En fenomenal bilderbok fylld av korta, …
Fantastiskt fenomenala kvinnor som skapade historia
Uppföljaren till barnbokssuccén Fantastiskt fenomenala kvinnor som förändrade världen! “Lärorikt och inspirerande för ung och gammal!” BTJ Här får du träffa ännu fler fantastiskt …
Fantastically Great Women 100 Postcards
'Significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls' GUARDIAN 'It's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired' BOOKSELLER 'An …
Fantastically Great Women Boxed Set
'Significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls' GUARDIAN 'It's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired' BOOKSELLER 'An …
Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders
'Significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls' GUARDIAN'It's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired' BOOKSELLER'An …
Fantastiskt fenomenala kvinnor som uträttat underverk
Vad vill du bli när du blir stor? I Kate Pankhurst nya bok Fantastiskt fenomenala kvinnor som uträttat underverk får vi möta kvinnor som alla varit framgångsrika i sina karriärer …
Fantastically Great Women A Big Ideas Notebook
Be brave, be bold, be inspired and write about your BIG ideas. The Fantastically Great Women Big Ideas Notebook, inspired by Kate Pankhurst’s extraordinary picture book series, …
Rascal and the Wedding
When Ellie names her puppy Rascal, she doesn't realize how right she is! Auntie Gemma is getting married and Ellie is going to be a bridesmaid at the wedding. She'd love for Rascal …
A Home for Rascal
When Ellie names her puppy Rascal, she doesn't realize how right she is! Ellie's family have just adopted a beautiful Jack Russell puppy, who Ellie names Rascal. Rascal is really …
Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders
'Significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls' GUARDIAN'It's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired' BOOKSELLER'An …
Fantastically Great Women Scientists and Their Stories
'Significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls' GUARDIAN'It's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired' BOOKSELLER'An …