Sökt på: Böcker av Karin M Ekström
totalt 16 träffar
På resa i matlandet
Boken ägnas en bransch i tillväxt - den kulinariska turismen. Mat och dryck blir en allt viktigare anledning att resa och besöka intressanta mål som erbjuder lekamlig spis. I boken …
Konsumentbeteende : klassiska & samtida perspektiv
I Konsumentbeteende – klassiska och samtida perspektiv ges en grundläggande förståelse för ämnet konsumentbeteende. Kunskap om varför och på vilket sätt människor konsumerar är av …
Brand Theories - - Perspectives on brands and branding
Brand Theories offers a multifaceted understanding of brands and branding. The purpose of the book is to provide the reader with a more advanced knowledge, by treating brands and …
Marketing Fashion
Fashion as a societal phenomenon has fascinated scholars in different disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and marketing often from an …
Elusive Consumption
In the context of rising consumerism and globalization, books on consumption are numerous. These tend to be firmly rooted in particular disciplines, however sociology, …
Museum Marketization
This wide-ranging book explores the impact of marketization on the creative industries. With critical perspectives from a variety of disciplines and global experts, numerous …
Marketing Fashion
Fashion as a societal phenomenon has fascinated scholars in different disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and marketing often from an …
Elusive Consumption
In the context of rising consumerism and globalization, books on consumption are numerous. These tend to be firmly rooted in particular disciplines, however sociology, …
Waste Management and Sustainable Consumption
The accelerated pace of global consumption over the past decades has meant that governments across the world are now faced with significant challenges in dealing with the …
Beyond the Consumption Bubble
Research on consumption can shed light on many fundamental questions, such as the character of society, including social and cultural dimensions; the relations between the …
Elusive Consumption
Charged with the mission of unravelling what consumption means and how it operates, the world's leading experts were flown to a private location in Sweden to "battle it out." This …
Hållbar framtid - en seminarieserie om företagande
Under 2012 och 2013 genomfördes fyra seminarier under huvudrubriken Hållbart företagande som ett samarrangemang mellan Borås Tidning och Högskolan i Borås. Uppmärksammade och …