Sökt på: Böcker av John S. Crown
totalt 8 träffar
Emerging Options for Field-Grade Officer Promotions in the U.S. Air Force
The Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act established an alternative framework for setting promotion policies for military officers in competitive categories. The …
General Officers, Career Field Sustainability, Training Pipelines, and the Civilian Workforce of the U.S. Space Force
Air Force Manpower Determinants
The authors examine the process the Air Force uses to determine manpower requirements, compare it with processes used in other services and organizations, and evaluate options for …
Championing the Agile Air Force Officer Career
Supplemental Career Paths for Air Force Pilots
This report documents analyses of either a warrant officer component or an aviation technical track for commissioned officers to supplement the traditional Air Force pilot career …
Advancement and Retention Barriers in the U.S. Air Force Civilian White Collar Workforce
This report documents the results of a study examining challenges that Air Force civilian women, racial/ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities may face in advancing …
Department of the Air Force Officer Talent Management Reforms
The Department of the Air Force is revamping the way it manages officer development and promotion. These changes will enhance leadership's ability to identify and develop talent at …
The Weighted Airman Promotion System
Because test scores that are part of its enlisted promotion system are not standardized, the U.S. Air Force emphasizes longevity and test-taking ability differently and randomly …