Sökt på: Böcker av John F Schank
totalt 24 träffar

Australia's Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise
To prepare for its next Defence White Paper, Australia is examining an enterprise-level naval shipbuilding plan. To support this effort, RAND researchers explore the feasibility of …

Impacts of the Fleet Response Plan on Surface Combatant Maintenance
To achieve a more responsive and more readily deployable fleet of surface combatants, the Navy adopted the Fleet Response Plan (FRP) in 2003 to replace its traditional two-year …

Using the Steel-vessel Material-cost Index to Mitigate Shipbuilder Risk
The more accurately a cost index captures a shipbuilder's risk, the less the Navy should have to pay its shipbuilders. The Navy uses such indexes to correct for significant cost …

Learning from Experience
This volume presents a set of lessons learned from Australia's Collins submarine program that could help inform future program managers. Collins was the first submarine built in …

The U.S. Coast Guard's Deepwater Force Modernization Plan
Explores acceleration of the pace at which the U.S. Coast Guard can acquire surface and air assets that it will operate in the deepwater environment (50 or more nautical miles from …

Acquisition and Competition Strategy Options for the DD(X)
RAND was assigned to assess alternative acquisition strategies for the Navy's new family of destroyers. The authors drew on the history of competition in acquisition programs to …

Controlling the Cost of C4I Upgrades on Naval Ships
C4I systems have evolved rapidly over the last few decades, and the cost of keeping these products up-to-date on new and in-service U.S. Navy ships is high due to configuration, …

A Methodology for Estimating the Effect of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base
The Fleet Response Plan is a U.S. Navy program to enhance the operational availability of the aircraft carrier fleet. This report describes program modeling that varies the time …

The Royals Navy's New Generation Type 45 Destroyer Acquisition Options and Implications
This book describes an analysis of strategies for the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense to take in acquiring the TYpe 45, a new generation destroyer that will become a main …

Increasing Aircraft Carrier Forward Presence
The U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier fleet must meet the forward presence requirements of theater commanders. With a decreasing fleet size, planners must balance the timing of …

U.S. Navy Shipyards
RAND investigated cost-effective workforce-management strategies, alternative workload allocations, and the relevant best practices of comparable organizations to assist the Navy …

Finding the Right Balance
The optimal training mix to help the Navy achieve peak readiness at less cost. Abstract text (initials): Can the U.S. Navy save money by increasing its use of simulators without …