Sökt på: Böcker av Jan-Noel Thon
totalt 23 träffar

Subjectivity across Media
Media in general and narrative media in particular have the potential to represent not only a variety of both possible and actual worlds but also the perception and consciousness …

Ästhetik des Gemachten
Animation und Comic weisen in ihren Ästhetiken offenkundige Parallelen auf, denen jedoch bislang in der jeweils einschlägigen Forschung kaum angemessene Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet …

Storyworlds across Media
The proliferation of media and their ever-increasing role in our daily life has produced a strong sense that understanding media—everything from oral storytelling, literary …

Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture
Narratives are everywhere—and since a significant part of contemporary media culture is defined by narrative forms, media studies need a genuinely transmedial narratology. Against …

Poetik der Oberfläche
Der vorliegende Sammelband versucht sich an einer differenzierten Bestandsaufnahme und literaturgeschichtlichen Verortung der deutschsprachigen Popliteratur der 1990er Jahre, die …

Subjectivity across Media
Media in general and narrative media in particular have the potential to represent not only a variety of both possible and actual worlds but also the perception and consciousness …

Subjectivity across Media
Media in general and narrative media in particular have the potential to represent not only a variety of both possible and actual worlds but also the perception and consciousness …

Comics and Videogames
This book offers the first comprehensive study of the many interfaces shaping the relationship between comics and videogames. It combines in-depth conceptual reflection with a rich …

Ästhetik des Gemachten
Animation und Comic weisen in ihren Ästhetiken offenkundige Parallelen auf, denen jedoch bislang in der jeweils einschlägigen Forschung kaum angemessene Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet …

From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels
This essay collection examines the theory and history of graphic narrative - realized in various different formats, including comic strips, comic books, and graphic novels - as one …

Comics and Agency
This volume aims to intensify the interdisciplinary dialogue on comics and related popular multimodal forms (including manga, graphic novels, and cartoons) by focusing on the …

Game Studies
Das Spielen am Computer ist aus der konvergenten Medienkultur der Gegenwart nicht mehr wegzudenken: Computerspiele werden von Menschen beinahe jeden Alters und jeder …