Sökt på: Böcker av Ingrid Höjer
totalt 6 träffar
När samhället träder in - Barn, föräldrar och social barnavård
Social barnavård är den del av socialtjänsten som har det yttersta ansvaret för att ge stöd, hjälp och skydd till socialt utsatta barn och familjer. I När samhället träder in …
Kääärlek : 61 texter i kärlekens tecken
KÄRLEK. Vem tänker inte på kärlek! Åtminstone ibland. Och i nästan alla åldrar. För kärleken har så många ansikten så många uttryck:Den kan vara vardagligt lugn eller pirrig, het, …
The Education of Children and Young People in State Care
Young people who leave care with few or no educational qualifications are at very high risk of social exclusion in adulthood. Yet in the past their education has attracted little …
Education of Children and Young People in State Care
Young people who leave care with few or no educational qualifications are at very high risk of social exclusion in adulthood. Yet in the past their education has attracted little …
Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood
The transition from care into adulthood is a difficult step for any young person, but young people leaving care have a high risk of social exclusion, both in terms of material …
Improving Access to Further and Higher Education for Young People in Public Care
Across Europe young people in public care are around five times less likely to attend tertiary education than those who have not been in care. This book provides a comprehensive …