Sökt på: Böcker av Hermann Locarek-Junge
totalt 17 träffar
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance
This volume features a selection of contributions presented at the 2018 Wroclaw Conference in Finance, which cover a wide range of topics in finance and financial economics, e.g. …
Classification as a Tool for Research
Clustering and Classification, Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence are research areas at the intersection of statistics, mathematics, computer science and …
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance
This volume includes a selection of the contributions presented at the Wroclaw conference in Finance, covering a wide range of topics in the area of finance. The articles reflect …
Das vorliegende Lehr- und Ubungsbuch behandelt die klassischen Gebiete der Finanzmathematik: Abschreibungen, Zinsrechnung, Renten- und Tilgungsrechnung sowie Kursrechnung mit ihren …
Classification in the Information Age
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance
This volume continues to highlight the latest research contributions presented at the annual Wroclaw conference in Finance (Poland), covering a wide range of topics in the field. …
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance
This volume includes a selection of the contributions presented at the Wroclaw conference in Finance, covering a wide range of topics in the area of finance. The articles reflect …
Hedge Funds
Inhaltlich unver nderte Neuauflage. W hrend der letzten Jahrzehnte hat sich der weltweite Kapitalmarkt dynamisch weiterentwickelt. Neue Produkte sind entstanden, welche die Anlagem …
Wissensbasierte Systeme Zur Durchfuehrung Statistischer Analysen
Die Situation der Anwender statistischer Methoden wurde in den letzten Jahren zunehmend problematischer. Einerseits wachst die Zahl und Leistungsfahigkeit der angebotenen …
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance
This volume continues to highlight the latest research contributions presented at the annual Wroclaw conference in Finance (Poland), covering a wide range of topics in the field. …
Classification in the Information Age
nd Selected papers presented at the 22 Annual Conference of the German Classification Society GfKI (Gesellschaft fUr Klassifikation), held at the Uni- versity of Dresden in 1998, …
Classification as a Tool for Research
Clustering and Classification, Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence are research areas at the intersection of statistics, mathematics, computer science and …