Sökt på: Böcker av George Lakoff
totalt 27 träffar
Metaphors We Live by
People use metaphors every time they speak. Some of those metaphors are literary - devices for making thoughts more vivid or entertaining. But most are much more basic than that - …
The ALL NEW Don't Think of an Elephant!
Lakoff researches how framing influences reasoning, or how the way we say something often matters much more than what we say. the GuardianOver a quarter of a million copies sold …
Where Mathematics Come From
This book is about mathematical ideas, about what mathematics means-and why. Abstract ideas, for the most part, arise via conceptual metaphor-metaphorical ideas projecting from the …
Philosophy In The Flesh
What are human beings like? How is knowledge possible? What is truth? Where do moral values come from? Questions like these have stood at the centre of Western philosophy for …
More than Cool Reason
"The authors restore metaphor to our lives by showing us that it's never gone away. We've merely been taught to talk as if it had: as though weather maps were more 'real' than the …
Metaphors We Live By
The now-classic Metaphors We Live By changed our understanding of metaphor and its role in language and the mind. Metaphor, the authors explain, is a fundamental mechanism of mind, …
Hverdagens metaforer
Denne bog vil få læseren til at tænke over sproget på en helt ny måde. For metaforer er ikke forbeholdt poesien eller retorikken, hævder Lakoff og Johnson, de er en del af …
Thinking Points
Offers an understanding of the progressive worldview by seeking to answer such questions as "What is the progressive vision of America?", "Why are progressive values America's …
We Can Fix It!: How to disrupt the impact of Big Money on politics
Your Brain's Politics
At first glance, issues like economic inequality, healthcare, climate change, and abortion seem unrelated. However, when thinking and talking about them, people reliably fall into …
Whose Freedom?
Since September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has relentlessly invoked the word "freedom." Al-Qaeda attacked us because "they hate our freedom." The U.S. can strike …
Auf leisen Sohlen ins Gehirn
80 Prozent unseres Denkens bleiben unbewusst und werden durch Metaphern und Deutungsrahmen geprägt. Unser vermeintlich freies Denken wird durch diejenigen beeinflusst, die bewusst …