Sökt på: Böcker av Gail Anderson Dargatz
totalt 21 träffar

En ung kvinna har försvunnit i ett bergigt område. Journalisten Claire Abbott vill hjälpa till att hitta flickan. Claire har stark intuition när det gäller brott och tror att hon …

Leka med elden
En rad mystiska bränder bryter ut i staden, och journalisten Claire Abbott tror sig veta vem den skyldiga är. Men kommer någon att tro henne? När pyromanen blir modigare och …

Almost Wife
If you almost had everything that you wanted, how hard would you fight to protect it? Kira is engaged to the man of her dreams: hes charming, handsome, wealthy, and a great dad to …

My Life Off-Key
Seventeen-year-old Jen is shocked to discover that the dad she grew up with is not her biological father. Jen loves to sing. But the rest of her family can't carry a tune. When a …

Kampen mot klockan
En skola utsätts för bombhot på sociala medier. Trots stora insatser hittar man ingen bomb. Journalisten Claire Abbott tror sig veta vem den skyldige är, men polisen lyssnar inte …

Cure For Death By Lightning
When fifteen-year-old Beth Week’s family is attacked by a grizzly, her father becomes increasingly violent, making him a danger to his neighbors, his family, and especially Beth. …

The Cure for Death by Lightning
The fifteenth summer of Beth Weeks's life is full of strange happenings: a classmate is mauled to death; children go missing on the nearby reserve; and an unseen predator pursues …

L'Autobus Infernal
Marc est un gar on de la ville qui est all vivre chez sa grand-m re la campagne pendant que sa m re est en cure de d sintoxication. Pour la premi re fois de sa vie, il doit …

Kampen mot klockan
En skola utsätts för bombhot på sociala medier. Trots stora insatser hittar man ingen bomb. Journalisten Claire Abbott tror sig veta vem den skyldige är, men polisen lyssnar inte …

Spotting Dottie
Charlotte is going to prove her grandma is right--the lake monster is real When Charlotte gets a drone for her fourteenth birthday, she's determined to get footage of Dottie, the …

The Almost Widow
National BestsellerIf the man you love went missing, how far would you go to find him? Someone is watching Piper, and she thinks she knows who it is: the bushman. But there's more …

Rhinestone Button
Gail Anderson-Dargatz, the acclaimed and bestselling author of The Cure for Death by Lightning and A Recipe for Bees, brings readers once again into the heart of rural Canada with …