Sökt på: Böcker av Empiricus Sextus
totalt 23 träffar
Sentences of Sextus
Grundriß der pyrrhonischen Skepsis
Outlines of Pyrrhonism
Throughout history philosophers have sought to define, understand, and delineate concepts important to human well-being. One such concept is "knowledge." Many philosophers believed …
Pyrroneion hypotyposeon
Against Professors
A suspicious mind.Sextus Empiricus (ca. AD 160–210), exponent of scepticism and critic of the Dogmatists, was a Greek physician and philosopher, pupil and successor of the …
Against Logicians
A suspicious mind.Sextus Empiricus (ca. AD 160–210), exponent of scepticism and critic of the Dogmatists, was a Greek physician and philosopher, pupil and successor of the …
Pyrroneion hypotyposeon
The Bibliotheca Teubneriana, established in 1849, has evolved into the world's most venerable and extensive series of editions of Greek and Latin literature, ranging from classical …
Adversus mathematicos
The Bibliotheca Teubneriana, established in 1849, has evolved into the world's most venerable and extensive series of editions of Greek and Latin literature, ranging from classical …
How to Keep an Open Mind
How ancient skepticism can help you attain tranquility by learning to suspend judgmentAlong with Stoicism and Epicureanism, Skepticism is one of the three major schools of ancient …
How to Keep an Open Mind
How ancient skepticism can help you attain tranquility by learning to suspend judgmentAlong with Stoicism and Epicureanism, Skepticism is one of the three major schools of ancient …
Sextus Empiricus: Against the Ethicists
About Sextus: Sextus Empiricus is one of the most important ancient philosophical writers after Plato and Aristotle. His writings are our main source for the doctrines and …