Sökt på: Böcker av David T Orletsky
totalt 19 träffar
Beyond Close Air Support
This book emphasises on creating a new partnership to integrate air operations with ground fire and maneuver more effectively on future battlefields.
How Can the Mobility Air Forces Better Support Adaptive Basing?
How Can the Mobility Air Forces Better Support Adaptive Basing?
The U.S. Air Force is exploring adaptive basing (AB) concepts to reduce the vulnerability of U.S. forces and to preserve critical combat capabilities in highly contested …
Evaluating Future Trends in Support of the Air Force Strategic Environment Assessment
Working with Allies and Partners
Airbase Vulnerability to Conventional Cruise-missile and Ballistic-missile Attacks
As part of a two-year effort to develop an expansive construct of air and space power in the early twenty-first century that capitalizes on forthcoming air and space technologies …
Rescuing Downed Aircrews
In light of the impending drawdown of forces and the pressure to reduce defense budgets, this report describes research to quantify the rescuability window of downed aircrews to …
Supporting Combat Power Projection Away from Fixed Infrastructure
The Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Examines alternative means to decrease the deployment time for the new Army medium-weight brigade, comparing air and sealift from the United States with air and fast (but …
Mapping the Risks
Assesses the homeland security implications of publicly available geospatial data and information. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, many agencies within the federal …
Intratheater Airlift Functional Needs Analysis (Fna)
Dire Strait?
Among the hottest flashpoints in the world today, U.S. policymakers and diplomats cannot ignore the Taiwan Strait. China regularly rattles its saber to intimidate Taiwan and …