Sökt på: Böcker av Colby Peyton Steiner
totalt 5 träffar

Assessing the Impact of U.S. Air Force National Security Space Launch Acquisition Decisions
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) today stands at a crossroads over its launch acquisition strategy. In this report, authors analyze the heavy lift launch market to help the USAF gain …

Managing for Mission Assurance in the Face of Advanced Cyber Threats
Air Force activities to ensure resiliency to adversarial cyber operations are somewhat fractionated, with blurred lines of authority and no overall coordinating mechanisms to …

Command and Control of U.S. Air Force Combat Support in a High-End Fight
A high-end fight places heavy demands on U.S. Air Force command and control of combat support. Policy has increasingly emphasized the need for new concepts, such as dynamic force …

Small Unmanned Aerial System Adversary Capabilities
To support U.S. Department of Homeland Security efforts to prioritize capability investments, this report examines trends in small unmanned aerial system development, the features …

Proposed Analytical Products for the Air Force Warfighting Integration Capability
The Air Force has long faced a challenge integrating force design and capability development planning with programming. RAND Project Air Force assisted the Air Force Warfighting …