Sökt på: Böcker av Christopher G. Fairburn
totalt 11 träffar

Att övervinna hetsätning : ett vetenskapligt utvärderat
Vid hetsätning påverkas hela tillvaron av att man återkommande äter alldeles för mycket och känner att man har tappat kontrollen. Många gånger skäms man över sin situation och …

Overcoming Binge Eating, Second Edition
This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own. Clear, …

Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders
This book provides the first comprehensive guide to enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the leading empirically supported treatment for eating disorders in adults. Written …

Overcoming Binge Eating, Second Edition
This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own. Clear, …

Få bukt med overspising
I Få bukt med overspising beskriver den anerkjente forskeren og klinikeren Christopher G. Fairburn problemene forbundet med overspising og hvordan du får bukt med dem. Bokens …

Overcoming Binge Eating
This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own. Clear, …

Science and Practice of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
In a relatively short period of time, cognitive behaviour therapy has become the leading psychotherapy in most Western countries. Much of the appeal and success of cognitive …

Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders
This book provides the first comprehensive guide to the practice of "e;enhanced"e; cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the latest version of the leading empirically …

Essattacken stoppen
Vor allem in Konflikt- und Stresssituationen, aber auch in andauernden Lebenskrisen neigen viele Menschen zu Ess-Attacken. Hemmungsloses Hineinstopfen, Hineinschlingen von Nahrung, …

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders
This state-of-the-art guide provides a powerful transdiagnostic approach for treating adolescent eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and …