Sökt på: Böcker av Carol Vorderman
totalt 160 träffar

Hjälp ditt barn med engelska genom hela grundskolan och gymnasiet
Högre krav ställs på våra kunskaper i engelska idag än någonsin tidigare. I Hjälp ditt barn med engelska får du en grundlig och pedagogisk genomgång i språket. Om det var något av …

Hjälp ditt barn med matte genom hela grundskolan och gymnasiet
Med hjälp av den här boken kan du som förälder hjälpa ditt barn med läxorna genom hela skoltiden. Här närmar vi oss ämnet på ett nytt och lite annorlunda sätt. Färgglada diagram …

Computer Coding Python Games for Kids
Learn how to code in Python by building and playing your own computer games, from creative quizzes to perplexing puzzles with explosive sound effects and zany graphics.Whether …

Spelprogrammering i Python : för barn
Lär dig bygga egna datorspel steg för steg. Om du gillar att spela datorspel är du säkert också sugen på att göra egna spel. I den här boken finns allt du behöver för att skapa …

English Made Easy, Ages 10-11 (Key Stage 2)
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool …

English Made Easy, Ages 6-7 (Key Stage 1)
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool …

English Made Easy, Ages 8-9 (Key Stage 2)
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool …

10 Minutes A Day Maths, Ages 7-9 (Key Stage 2)
Master Key Stage 2 mathematics in just 10 minutes a day with the activities in this essential home learning maths workbook from Carol Vorderman. 10 Minutes a Day Maths is an at …

10 Minutes A Day Times Tables, Ages 9-11 (Key Stage 2)
Master times tables in just 10 minutes a day with the activities in this essential home learning workbook from Carol Vorderman.10 Minutes a Day Times Tables is a homeschool …

10 Minutes A Day Spanish, Ages 7-11 (Key Stage 2)
Master Key Stage 2 Spanish in just 10 minutes with this fantastic home-study workbook from Carol Vorderman.10 Minutes a Day Spanish is a homeschool learning resource for 7-11 year …

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar Made Easy, Ages 5-7 (Key Stage 1)
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child perfect their spelling, grammar, and …

Maths Made Easy: Adding & Taking Away, Ages 3-5 (Preschool)
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in maths with this homeschool …