Sökt på: Böcker av Carl Martin Allwood
totalt 10 träffar
Grundläggande vetenskapsteori : för psykologi och andra beteendevetenskaper
Vetenskapen påverkar våra liv på många sätt - att förstå dess förutsättningar och begränsningar är därför en viktig del av all högre utbildning. Denna bok ger olika perspektiv på …
Kvalitativa metoder helt enkelt!
Kvalitativa metoder helt enkelt! är en antologi skriven av kvalitativa forskare som var och en har lång och gedigen erfarenhet av just kvalitativ metod. I boken beskrivs exempelvis …
The Nature and Challenges of Indigenous Psychologies
The indigenous psychologies (IPs) stress the importance of research being grounded in the conditions and culture of the researcher's own society due to the dominance of Western …
Nature and Challenges of Indigenous Psychologies
The indigenous psychologies (IPs) stress the importance of research being grounded in the conditions and culture of the researcher's own society due to the dominance of Western …
Indigenous Psychologies
Indigenous psychologies are attempts to portray the concepts, and to present the evidence, about human behaviour and experience from a point of view within the cultural traditions …
Mänskliga möten över gränser
I Sverige bor det ca 1,4 miljoner människor som kommit hit från andra länder. De har alla olika bakgrund, kultur och historia. Många är i behov av medicinsk och psykologisk …
Creativity and Leadership in Science, Technology, and Innovation
Leadership is vital to creativity and successful innovation in groups and organizations; leadership is however seldom studied in the academic literature as a creativity driver. One …
Creativity and Leadership in Science, Technology, and Innovation
Leadership is vital to creativity and successful innovation in groups and organizations; leadership is however seldom studied in the academic literature as a creativity driver. One …
Creative Knowledge Environments
Although there is an ever increasing demand for new technology and innovations in the economy and society in general, we currently know little about the conditions for stimulating …
Creativity and Leadership in Science, Technology, and Innovation
Leadership is vital to creativity and successful innovation in groups and organizations; leadership is however seldom studied in the academic literature as a creativity driver. One …