Sökt på: Böcker av C. Fell
totalt 49 träffar

Liberating Faith
This sweeping new anthology shows how religion has joined with and learned from movements for social justice, peace, and ecological wisdom. Liberating Faith surveys the entire …

Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians
With a large volume of ultrasound images and teaching videos, Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians: A Text and E-book is a print and interactive digital resource that provides …

Cultural Understanding of Soils
Cultural understandings of soil are diverse and often ambiguous. Cultural framing of soils is common worldwide and is highly consequential. The implications of what place the earth …

Service Sector: Productivity and Growth
The economics of the service sector has recently attracted a large attention. At a macroeconomic level, the discussion has been focused on the issues concerning the relationship …

Strategy for Assessing Science
A Strategy for Assessing Science offers strategic advice on the perennial issue of assessing rates of progress in different scientific fields. It considers available knowledge …

TRAC: Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 5 focuses on the advancements of processes, technologies, automation, and applications of analytical chemistry. The selection first offers …

Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians
With a large volume of ultrasound images and teaching videos, Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians: A Text and E-book is a print and interactive digital resource that provides …

Die Anfänge der Mechanik
Die in diesem Buch vorgestellten vier Aufsatze von ausgewiesenen Fachleuten der Geschichte der Mechanik stellen I. Newtons "Principia", wohl das einflussreichste Physikbuch der …

Histopathology of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas
The 1st Edition of Histopathology of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas, written in col- laboration with Professor H. STEIN and published in 1981, was received well and is now out of print. …

Histopathologie der Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome
Kurz nach Erscheinen unseres Handbuchs iiber die Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome wurden Stimmen laut, die nach einem klein en handlichen AbriB der Lymphom- diagnostik riefen. Auch die …

Autoimmunity and the Pathogenesis of Diabetes
It has been a challenge for us to edit this volume of Endocrinology and Metabo lism: Progress in Research and Clinical Practice. The topic of the pathogenesis of …

King Harold II and the Bayeux Tapestry
Essays on the brief but tumultuous reign of Harold II, and one of our most important sources of knowledge of the time - the Bayeux Tapestry. Harold II is chiefly remembered today, …