Sökt på: Böcker av Anni Sennov
totalt 45 träffar

Jordens gyllene tid
Jorden är vårt solsystems gemensamma utvecklingsplanet och centrum för integration och förmedling av alla planetenergier i solsystemet. Nu, efter Mayakalenders slut den 21:a …

Love, Sex and Attraction - A Short Guide to a Successful Relationship!

Love, Sex and Attraction
This short guide helps you find out what kind of person is the best matching for you as a partner, or if you are already in a relationship, it helps you and your partner to find a …

Balans på alla plan med kristall- och indigoenergin
Vi lever, för tillfället, i en spännande tid där många människor, med olika bakgrund och synsätt på livet, varje dag "vaknar" och börjar leta efter en djupare mening med …

There is a One and Only Love Partner for each one of us, and whom you will love unconditionally. This person is also known as your Spirit Mate. Your Spirit Mate is the other part …

Energy Self-Defense for Young Adults
Many parents have asked us whether it’s possible to teach young people to keep their energy in order. And the answer to the question is YES, of course you can learn how to master …

Karma-Free in the New Time
The energy conditions behind the scenes in Earth's spiritual hinterland have always been a secret for the vast majority of people on Earth. This is because people on the soul plane …

Balance on All Levels with the Crystal and Indigo Energies
This book is an expanded and updated version of Anni Sennov’s previous book “Crystal Children, Indigo Children and Adults of the Future” and it gives you good all-round insight …

Henkikumppanuus - uuden aikakauden suhde
Useimmat meistä ovat kuulleet sielunkumppaneista tai sukulaissieluista. Suurin osa ei ehkä kuitenkaan vielä tiedä, että sielunkumppanin käsite viittaa tietoisuuden tasoon, joka …

The Crystal Human and the Crystallization Process
As in any good fairytale, the hero must endure an awful lot before happiness and balance occur. The same applies to adults with Crystal Energy in their consciousness, because they …

Spirit Mates - The New Time Relationship

Karmasta vapaana uuteen aikakauteen
Työ maapallon henkisessä perustassa on aina ollut useimmille ihmisille suuri salaisuus.Sielunenergian aikana kaikkea hallitsi Karman laki, minkä vuoksi ihmisetkykenivät …