Sökt på: Böcker av Anna Angelin
totalt 14 träffar
Fattigdom utan gränser
Fattigdom utan gränser är den första bok som tar ett helhetsgrepp om fattigdomsfrågan. Boken är en betraktelse av fattigdomens historia, nutid och framtid där forskarens och …
Varför skärper vi oss inte
I denna vänbok hyllar och uppmärksammar vi en alldeles särskild person - Tapio Salonen, professor i socialt arbete. Tapios forskning tar ställning och söker att göra skillnad; den …
Autor Chap II
Det går inte att föreställa sig en värld utan översatt litteratur. Men hur översätts dessa texter? Och vad är det som översätts? Är det ord, meningar, idiom, erfarenheter, …
"Not in the Spaces we Know"
This volume explores themes at the intersection of the Bible and science fiction. In the genre of science fiction in film, books, comic books, or fan fiction, we find portrayals of …
Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures XI
This volume incorporates all the articles and reviews published in volume 14 (2014) of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures.
Food Taboos and Biblical Prohibitions
This volume presents contributions from "The Larger Context of the Biblical Food Prohibitions: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches" conference held in Lausanne in June, …
The Concise History of Woman Suffrage
The massive size of the original six-volume History of Woman Suffrage has likely limited its impact on the lives of the women who benefitted from the efforts of the pioneering …
Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers in Belarus
Language of Colour in the Bible
The Bible is one of the books that has aroused the most interest throughout history to the present day. However, there is one topic that has mostly been neglected and which today …
Hotwife Heaven: Volume 2
7 naughty tales of cheating wives and cuckold husbands, from a wife who cheats with her boss as her husband waits at the door, another who cheats with the boss to keep her hubby …
The Language of Colour in the Bible
The Bible is one of the books that has aroused the most interest throughout history to the present day. However, there is one topic that has mostly been neglected and which today …
Psychocutaneous Diseases
The terminology, classification, diagnosis and treatment of dermatological factitious disorders, falling within the broad scope of self-induced dermatological diseases, are the …