Sökt på: Böcker av Anja Laukotter
totalt 10 träffar

Learning How to Feel
Learning How to Feel explores the ways in which children and adolescents learn not just how to express emotions that are thought to be pre-existing, but actually how to feel. The …

Infektion und Institution
Das Robert Koch-Institut im Netzwerk anderer nationaler und ausländischer biopolitischer Einrichtungen während des NS-Regimes.Eine wichtige Institution der nationalsozialistischen …

Body, Capital and Screens
Body, Capital and Screens: Visual Media and the Healthy Self in the 20th Century brings together new research from leading scholars from Europe and North America working at the …

Learning How to Feel
Learning How to Feel explores the ways in which children and adolescents learn not just how to express emotions that are thought to be pre-existing, but actually how to feel. The …

Von der »Kultur« zur »Rasse« - vom Objekt zum Körper?
Wie verlaufen die Argumentationsmuster in Völkerkundemuseen und den Wissenschaften der Völkerkunde sowie der Anthropologie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts? Das Buch versucht, dieser …

Health Education Films in the Twentieth Century
Examines the impact and importance of the health education film in Europe and North America in the first half of the twentieth century.During the twentieth century, film came to be …

Osiris, Volume 31
What new insights become available for historians when emotions are included as an analytical category? This volume of Osiris explores the historical interrelationships between …

Osiris, Volume 31
What new insights become available for historians when emotions are included as an analytical category? This volume of Osiris explores the historical interrelationships between …

Sex – richtig!
Wie haben bewegte Bilder Einstellungen und Verhalten der Menschen in unserer globalen Mediengesellschaft beeinflusst?Sexualaufklärungsfilme versuchten u¨ber das gesamte 20. …

Health Education Films in the Twentieth Century
Examines the impact and importance of the health education film in Europe and North America in the first half of the twentieth century. During the twentieth century, film came to …