Sökt på: Böcker av Alejandro Frank
totalt 20 träffar
Cuban Spanish Dialectology
Despite the significant presence of Cuban immigrants in the US, current research on Cuban Spanish linguistics remains underexplored, most crucially its ramifications to areas such …
Flawed Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory
This book, as the title suggests, explains how General equilibrium, the dominant conceptual framework in mainstream economics, describes a perfectly impossible world. Even with its …
Algorithms and Data Structures
The papers in this volume were presented at the 9th Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2005). The workshop took place during August 15 - 17, 2005, at the University …
Renovacion urbana, modos de habitar y desigualdad en la Ciudad de Mexico
La renovacion urbana constituye hoy en dia un fenomeno mundial, vinculado a la logica del capitalismo neoliberal y a politicas urbanas que enarbolan los mismos discursos y las …
The Flawed Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory
This book, as the title suggests, explains how General equilibrium, the dominant conceptual framework in mainstream economics, describes a perfectly impossible world. Even with its …
Erstaunliche Tiere - Mein Puzzlebuch
Symmetries in Physics
Marcos Moshinsky was born on 20 April 1921, in Kiev, Ukraine, and em- igrated to Mexico at the age of four. He began work at the Universidad N acional Aut6noma de Mexico on 1 …
Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader
This volume represents the seventh edition of the ECOOP Workshop Reader, a compendiumofworkshopreportsfromthe17thEuropeanConferenceonObject- Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2003), held …
Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei
Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei aims to present an overview of recent applications of symmetry to the description of atomic nuclei. Special care is given to a pedagogical introduction …
Ensayos críticos sobre la teoría del equilibrio general
Los trabajos reunidos en este libro presentan una reflexión crítica sobre la teoría de equilibrio general, el máximo exponente de la teoría neoclásica.Esta teoría ha desempeñado el …
Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei
The revised edition of this established work presents an extended overview of recent applications of symmetry to the description of atomic nuclei, including a pedagogical …
Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader
This volume represents the seventh edition of the ECOOP Workshop Reader, a compendiumofworkshopreportsfromthe17thEuropeanConferenceonObject- Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2003), held …