  • Geologic Life


    klotband, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9781478026075

    In Geologic Life, Kathryn Yusoff theorizes the processes by which race and racialization emerged geologically. Examining both the history of geology as a discipline and ongoing

  • Oceaning


    klotband, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9781478025801

    Drones are revolutionizing ocean conservation. By flying closer and seeing more, drones enhance intimate contact between ocean scientists and activists and marine life. In the

  • Camera Geologica


    klotband, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9781478025931

    In Camera Geologica Siobhan Angus tells the history of photography through the minerals upon which the medium depends. Challenging the emphasis on immateriality in discourses on