Studieteknik & inlärningsförmåga: allmänt

  • ????????? - The Beginning and the End

    pocket, 2023, Kinesiska, ISBN 9786038366943

    从零开始了解伊斯兰本书从伊斯兰的观点介绍人从生到死的历程,为非穆斯林介绍伊斯兰的基本功修。A book translated into in which the author shows how this creation began and will end and proves the existence of Allah, the Most High.

  • ?????????????? - The Rights of Non-Muslims in The Islamic World

    pocket, 2023, Kinesiska, ISBN 9786038297919

    伊斯兰国度中的非穆斯林之权益本书涉及了非穆斯林--无论是定居的迪米人还是寻求保护者--的基本权益,这些权益包括公平对待,保护其生命、财产、名誉不受侵害,维护其人格尊严,善意相处,以及他们在信教、婚姻、个人事务中所享有的自由权和社会公共福利权。In this study titled The Rights of non-Muslims in the