Skönlitteratur: särskilda former

  • At the Edge of the Wood


    pamphlet, 2017, Japanese, ISBN 9781911343066

    When his wife returns to her parents house to have their second child, an unnamed narrator and his son are left to manage by themselves. Instead of absence, what the father and son

  • Bonne Nouvelle Nr. 2, 2013. Socialrealism

    pamphlet, 2013, Svenska, ISBN 9789163735004

    I din hand håller du Bonne Nouvelle. Det är en alldeles speciell tidskrift i pocketformat som kommer ut fyra gånger per år med noveller av prisbelönade, halvetablerade och

  • Bonne Nouvelle Nr. 3, 2013. Tema erotik

    pamphlet, 2013, Svenska, ISBN 9789187507656

    Du håller i Bonne Nouvelle - en novelltidskrift i pocketformat. Bonne Nouvelle startades hösten 2012 och har getts ut en gång i kvartalet sedan dess. Det här är det tredje numret

  • Braking Distance


    pamphlet, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9781844719129

    Motorway Service Stations are places where people pass through on their way to somewhere else: somewhere better, somewhere brighter. But every traveller has a tale to tell, a story

  • Demons


    pamphlet, 2019, Korean, ISBN 9781911343646

    Set in a small rural village, seemingly everyday events take on a macabre meaning. We follow Kim Miyoung, a relatively new villager and the local primary school teacher, as she is

  • Divorce


    pamphlet, 2019, Korean, ISBN 9781911343615

    A poet reflects on the lives of the different generations of women around her as she contemplates her own divorce from a socially-engaged photographer; her feelings are complicated

  • Five Preludes & A Fugue


    pamphlet, 2019, Korean, ISBN 9781911343585

    A young woman delves into the circumstances of her mother’s death ahead of her own marriage, interrogating a woman who witnessed her mother’s death and would later come to play a

  • Friendship for Grown-Ups


    pamphlet, 2017, Japanese, ISBN 9781911343028

    The Untouchable ApartmentKandagawa's relationship with Mano ended over four years ago, which is why she's surprised when he calls her, drunk, to tell her that their old apartment

  • Kong's Garden


    pamphlet, 2019, Korean, ISBN 9781911343622

    Imagine Cormac McCarthy writing about the boring lives of clerks and you’ll anticipate something of the dystopic flavour of this gripping but socially bleak short story from Hwang.

  • Left's Right; Right's Left


    pamphlet, 2019, Korean, ISBN 9781911343653

    The story takes place on a stairwell, all in about a minute’s time, while the narrator’s partner seizes her by the hair. The narrator had gotten caught, after running out of the