
  • A Dream Within a Dream


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587043

    An example of Poe’s melancholic and morbid poetic pieces, "A Dream Within a Dream" is a poem that pitifully mourns the passing of time. The poet’s own life, teeming with

  • The Premature Burial


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587050

    The story unanimously voices Poe’s obsessive concern with premature burial. Dwelling on humanity’s fear of being buried alive, Edgar Allan Poe provides not only examples of such

  • Eleonora


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587074

    "Eleonora" is a short story that draws heavily from E. A. Poe’s own life and marriage. Surprisingly optimistic and devoid of any real terrors, the tale, though dealing with similar

  • Tamerlane and Other Poems


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644111

    Virtually ignored when first published and almost lost entirely, these are the first published works of one of America's great writers.Edgar Allen Poe's 'Tamerlane and Other Poems'

  • Some Words with a Mummy


    E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644166

    A biting satirical piece, this short story takes aim at modern societies superiority complex. Through poking, prodding and mindless electrocution , a group of bumbling friends

  • A Tale of the Ragged Mountains


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726586978

    An example of Poe’s mystery-laden and dream-oriented short stories, "A Tale of the Rugged Mountains" offers unique perspective on important notions at the time – mesmerism,

  • The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall


    E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644104

    When Hans Pfaal’s creditors begin to circle, there is only one thing he can do. Construct a magnificent, science defying balloon and escape to the moon! Hans records the details

  • A Predicament


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644098

    The story is often labelled a sequel to "How to Write a Blackwood Article", and deals with Signora Zenobia, who comes across a stately cathedral and a giant clock, that soon will

  • Morella


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587005

    Poe’s symptomatic need to portray dying or already dead women is evocative of his own failed and miserably spent marriage life to his young cousin. "Morella", in a way similar to

  • The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726586916

    Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Scheherazade had not ceased with her tales and told the king another story that is actually a retelling of a previous story, but