Glögg, julstjärna, saffran och kryddnejlikor. Bland mycket annat självklara inslag i vårt julfirande. Men varifrån kommer dessa kryddor och växter? Och på vilket sätt ingår de i …
I alla tider har vi människor tagit hand om skadade och sjuka, givit dem vatten, mat och värme. I den bemärkelsen är sjukvården uråldrig. Fortfarande i början på 1800-talet var det …
Protect your mighty liver! Learn how it keeps you healthy, how to keep it healthy, and why you need to act now!The liver is the most overlooked and misunderstood of all our body’s …
There is a biological force within the body that wants you to live to old age. While conventionally this force is known in medicine as the immune system, Dr. Bob calls it: “The …
An eye-opening and compelling ethnography about how doctors make decisions The oath that doctors take to "do no harm" suggests that patient welfare is at the center of what it …
Mexico is at the center of the global battle over abortion. In 2007, a watershed reform legalized the procedure in the national capital, making it one of just three places across …
“[Piscatella and Sabbagh] show what’s good for keeping your heart pumping keeps your memories and passions alive. They give you a really great plan to follow. This book can help …