Litteraturvetenskap: klassisk, tidig & medeltida litteratur

  • Catullus: Poems


    häftad, 1998, Engelska, ISBN 9781853994975

    Catullus, who lived from about 84 to 54 BC, was one of ancient Rome’s most gifted, versatile and passionate poets. Living at a time of radical social change at the end of the Roman

  • Cicero: In Catilinam I and II


    häftad, 1991, Engelska, ISBN 9780862920142

    This edition, first published by Macmillan in 1943, has the straightforward utilitarian aims of all those prepared by H.E. Gould and J.L. Whiteley: a basic introduction, reliable

  • Ovid: Amores III, a Selection: 2, 4, 5, 14

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    häftad, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9781853997457

    Introductory essays by Jennifer Ingleheart discuss Ovid's historical and literary context, and offer an overview of the Amores as a whole. In addition, each poem is accompanied by

  • Tacitus: Annals XIV


    häftad, 1998, Engelska, ISBN 9781853993152

    This edition of the fourteenth book of Tacitus’ Annals remains one of the most thorough editions of any book of Tacitus for use by school adn undergraduate students. Its

  • Virgil: Aeneid XII


    häftad, 1998, Engelska, ISBN 9781853992445

    This edition, originally published in 1953 in the admirable Methuen Classical Texts series, has been in print ever since. It's longevity is deserved; for it remains a very fine

  • Domitian


    pocket, 1998, Latin, ISBN 9781853994548

    An analysis of Suetonius' account of the emperor Domitian. The book provides a detailed commentary on matters of historical importance in the text, together with a discussion of

  • Virgil: Aeneid VII-XII

    häftad, 1998, Engelska, ISBN 9781853995002

    This is the second volume of R. Deryck Williams' classic edition of the Aeneid, covering books VII and XII. It includes the Latin text, with English introduction, an extensive

  • Ovid: Amores I


    häftad, 1991, Engelska, ISBN 9780906515457

    This edition of the first book of Ovid's "Amores" was first published in 1973 by OUP. It has been kept in print by BCP because it remains an outstandlingly useful volume. It was

  • Ovid: Metamorphoses III


    häftad, 1991, Engelska, ISBN 9780906515020

    This simple, utilitarian edition offers sixth-form and undergraduate students an introduction to the enchanted, sometimes violent, often sad, often funny world of the

  • Caesar: Gallic War I


    häftad, 1991, Engelska, ISBN 9780862921774

    Book I of Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War starts with an account of Gaul and goes on to cover Caesar's defeat of first the Helvetians and then the Germans under Ariovistus.