  • Burnished


    pocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9780253061874

    When Zulu women potters innovate or move to a more urban setting, they are asked why they have abandoned tradition. Yet when they continue to follow convention or choose to stay in

  • The Politics of Musical Time


    pocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9780253064387

    How do the temporal features of sacred music affect social life in South Asia? Due to new time constraints in commercial contexts, devotional musicians in Bengal have adapted

  • Griot Potters of the Folona


    pocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9780253058997

    Griot Potters of the Folona reconstructs the past of a particular group of West African women potters using evidence found in their artistry and techniques. The potters of the

  • White Terror


    pocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9780253060389

    What kinds of terror lurk beneath the surface of White respectability? Many of the top-grossing US horror films between 2008 and 2016 relied heavily on themes of White, patriarchal