  • Life on a Young Planet


    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780691165530

    Australopithecines, dinosaurs, trilobites--such fossils conjure up images of lost worlds filled with vanished organisms. But in the full history of life, ancient animals, even the

  • T. rex and the Crater of Doom

    av ,

    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780691169668

    Sixty-five million years ago, a comet or asteroid larger than Mount Everest slammed into the Earth, inducing an explosion equivalent to the detonation of a hundred million hydrogen

  • The Long Thaw


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9780691169064

    The human impact on Earth's climate is often treated as a hundred-year issue lasting as far into the future as 2100, the year in which most climate projections cease. In The Long