Fysiologisk psykologi, neuropsykologi, biopsykologi

  • Freely Determined


    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781541620360

    A renowned psychologist argues that free will is not only real but essential to our well-being It’s become fashionable to argue that free will is a fiction: that we humans are in

  • The Gap


    inbunden, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9780465030149

    There exists an undeniable chasm between the capacities of humans and those of animals. Our minds have spawned civilizations and technologies that have changed the face of the

  • Remembered Present


    inbunden, 1990, Engelska, ISBN 9780465069101

    A genuine understanding of how mental states arise from the structure and function of the brain would be, as William James declared in 1892, "the scientific achievement before

  • The Body Speaks

    av ,

    inbunden, 1994, Engelska, ISBN 9780465007165

    For decades, health care providers have worked as though there were a monolithic wall dividing the ailments of the mind from those of the body. Theorists on either side developed

  • Splintered Reflections

    av ,

    inbunden, 1999, Engelska, ISBN 9780465095445

    In overwhelming trauma, when words fail, it is the body that begins to speak. How can clinicians listen to the body and understand its messages? This book is both a detailed review