  • Utilitarianism and Other Essays


    storpocket, 1987, Engelska, ISBN 9780140432725

    One of the most important nineteenth-century schools of thought, Utilitarianism propounds the view that the value or rightness of an action rests in how well it promotes the

  • The Social Contract


    storpocket, 2003, Engelska, ISBN 9780140442014

    'Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains'These are the famous opening words of a treatise that has not ceased to stir debate since its publication in 1762. Rejecting the

  • The Politics


    storpocket, 1981, Engelska, ISBN 9780140444216

    Raising questions that are as relevant to modern society as they were to the ancient world, Aristotle's The Politics remains central to the study of political science millennia

  • Tao Te Ching


    storpocket, 2003, Engelska, ISBN 9780140441314

    'Have little thought of self and as few desires as possible'Whether or not Lao Tzu was a historical figure is uncertain, but the wisdom gathered under his name in the fourth