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totalt 31 810 treff

Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice
Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice highlights the need for an interdisciplinary approach to effectively address the complexities of concepts, tools, and …

Lifelong Learning
This anthology discusses the necessity of an expanded notion of lifelong learning. Expanded lifelong learning means providing consistent and inter-connected preconditions for …

Philosophy of Science for Theologians
This book tells the story of the philosophy of science from its inception in the aftermath of the first World War to its current stage, and relates this story to the status of …

Gustav Mahler and the Symphony of the 19th Century
The subject of this book is the semantics of symphonic music from Beethoven to Mahler. Of fundamental importance is the realization that this music is imbued with non-musical, …

Religion, Religionlessness and Contemporary Western Culture
This first volume of the new series International Bonhoeffer Interpretations (IBI) contains several impulses for translating Bonhoeffer’s key ideas on Religion, Religionlessness …

Anton Bruckner
While unappreciated and controversial during most of his life, Anton Bruckner is today regarded as the greatest symphonist between Beethoven and Gustav Mahler – in terms of …

Writing Back / Reading Forward: Reconsidering the Postcolonial Approach
Predicated upon the opposition of writing back and reading forward, the author challenges some of the established concerns or preoccupations of the field. Postcolonial theory, …

Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch: lesen - verstehen - schreiben: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch
Das Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch wendet sich an diejenigen, die an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen studieren oder wissenschaftlich arbeiten wollen und deren Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist. …

Sámi Education
This book is a pioneering work. It discusses special characteristics of the education of Sámi people, an indigenous people living in Northern Europe. The book provides a …

Microrrelato Hipermedial: Aproximaciones Teóricas Y Didácticas
La obra constituye una exploracion sobre este genero dentro del panorama literario contemporaneo y realza las posibilidades didacticas que encierra. Partiendo de la incidencia del …

The Practice of Knowing and Knowing in Practices
This book is a philosophical analysis of knowledge in practices, focused on knowing how, tacit knowledge and expert knowledge. Knowing in action is the key concept. It covers …