Søkt på: Bøker av Torben M. Andersen
totalt 16 treff
Dansk flexicurity
Det danske arbejdsmarked og særlig kombinationen af fleksible ansættelsesforhold og udstrakt social sikkerhed (flexicurity) har gennem tiden påkaldt sig stor opmærksomhed fra …
Danish Pension System
The need for pension reform is widely discussed against the backdrop of falling fertility rates and rising longevity. These developments challenge pension systems which in many …
Reform Capacity and Macroeconomic Performance in the Nordic Countries
The outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 has had significant effects on economic activity, unemployment, and public finances for all European countries. However, European …
Economic Performance
Explores how the Nordic countries have managed to achieve such favourable economic performance.
Reform Capacity and Macroeconomic Performance in the Nordic Countries
The outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 has had significant effects on economic activity, unemployment, and public finances for all European countries. However, European …
Svensk välfärd och globala marknader
Årets rapport från SNS Välfärdsråd utreder i vilken utsträckning och i vilken form globaliseringen hotar den svenska välfärdsstaten.Globaliseringen för med sig en mängd utmaningar …
The Danish Economy in a Global
The Danish Economy in a Global Context provides a general introduction to economic developments, institutions and policies in Denmark. Several topical policy issues, such as …
Et aldrende Danmark
Danskerne lever stadig længere, og sammenholdt med lave fødselstal igennem en årrække stiger andelen af ældre, herunder andelen af meget ældre, både i absolutte tal og relativt …
Danish Pension System
The need for pension reform is widely discussed against the backdrop of falling fertility rates and rising longevity. These developments challenge pension systems which in many …
Financial Liberalization and Macroeconomic Stability
This volume examines the causes of the very volatile financial markets and exchange rate crises recently experienced, particularly in a number of European countries, and considers …
Hur får vi råd med välfärden? Konjunkturrådets rapport 2014
Välfärdstjänster som skola, vård och omsorg utgör, tillsammans med socialförsäkringar och bidrag, kärnan i den svenska välfärdsstaten. I takt med att samhället blir rikare och den …
The Danish Pension System
The need for pension reform is widely discussed against the backdrop of falling fertility rates and rising longevity. These developments challenge pension systems which in many …