
Sosiologi: Familie og forhold

  • Nos Filles et nos Fils

    av ,

    e-bok, 2015, Fransk, ISBN 9782335126334

    Extrait : "Que Marguerite fût la plus mignonne petite fille du monde, c''est ce que sa mère, Mme Dubreuil, pense sans le dire, et ce que tous ses amis disent en le pensant.

  • History Of Human Marriage


    e-bok, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9789358710076

    The History of Human Marriage is a book written by Edward Westermarck, a Finnish philosopher and sociologist. The book is a comprehensive survey of marriage practices and customs

  • Taking Heart


    e-bok, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9781804362907

    Can sisterhood pull them through the darkest days? Imogen Caldwell and her sisters, Daisy and Elsie, are fighting to save their childhood home and stay in Bristol. After times

  • Secret Sister


    e-bok, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781800323285

    How far would you go for family?Anna s done bad things before. Neglected and unloved as a child, she had to do whatever it took to keep herself and her little sister, Birdie, safe.

  • W osadzie


    e-bok, 2021, Polsk, ISBN 9788728055823

    Utwór portretuje zony i matki rybaków normandzkich, pracowite, gospodarne oraz skupione przede wszystkim na pieniadzach. Zamoznosc ksztaltuje range kobiety przynaleznej do tej

  • Family Life in the Time of COVID

    e-bok, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9781800081758

    COVID-19 turned the world as we knew it upside down, impacting families around the world in profound ways. Seeking to understand this global experience, Family Life in the Time of

  • Violent Affections


    e-bok, 2022, Engelsk, ISBN 9781800082960

    Violent Affections uncovers techniques of power that work to translate emotions into violence against queer people. Based on analysis of over 300 criminal cases of anti-queer

  • Relationsanarki 3.0


    e-bok, 2021, Svensk, ISBN 9789180271912

    I Relationsanarki 3.0 görs en ingående analys av förutsättningarna för kärlek och intimitet i det senmoderna samhället. Särskilt fokus ligger på olika former av förtryck i nära

  • Isä Vasilij


    Oppleser: Ritva-Liisa Elivuo
    Lydbok, 2020, Finsk, ISBN 9788726256932

    Pastorin ovelle koputtaa mies, jonka vaimo on menehtymäisillään. Pastorin on lähdettävä siunaamaan kuolevaa, vaikka hetki on huono. Pastori säälii äitinsä menettäneitä lapsia ja

  • Cautionary Tales for Children


    e-bok, 2015, Engelsk, ISBN 9781515400721

    Cautionary tales are traditional folklore stories used to teach children of dangers. Hilaire Belloc's 'Cautionary Tales' have been warning children from danger for over a hundred